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Company Policy

Health and Safety Policy Statement

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Our Statement of general policy is:

  • To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities

  • To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety

  • To provide and maintain safe plant and equipment

  • To ensure safe handling and use of substances

  • To provide information, instruction and supervision for our employees

  • To ensure all our employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training

  • To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health

  • To maintain safe and healthy working conditions

  • To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals


Full policy details are available on request.

Diversity and Equal Opportunities Policy Statement


Breckland Industrial Limited welcomes diversity amongst its staff, clients and visitors, recognising the particular contributions to the achievement of the company that can be made by individuals from a wide range of backgrounds, experience and capabilities.

The policy and practise of the company requires that all staff, clients and visitors are afforded equal opportunities within employment, entry into employment, the progress within employment and the provision of services by the company.

Vacancies and promotion will be determined only by personal merit and the application of criteria which are related to the duties of each particular post and the relevant salary structure. In all cases ability to perform the job is the primary consideration. Subject to statutory provision, no applicant or member of staff will be treated less favourably than another because of his or her sex, marital status, sexual orientation, racial group or disability.

The company is committed to using its best endeavours to ensure that all of its activities are governed by principals of equality of opportunity, and that all staff are helped to achieve their full potential. This statement applies equally to recruitment as well as staff training and welfare/support services given to staff development as well as attitudes governing the relationship with clients and potential clients.

Diversity and Equal Opportunities Policy

Breckland Industrial Ltd is committed to promoting equality of opportunity and service, good race relations and avoiding racial discrimination within its organization and in the services it provides to its customers.


The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 has placed a general duty for organizations when carrying out their functions, to have due regard to the need to eliminate unlawful racial discrimination, promote equality of opportunity, and promote good relations between people of different racial groups.

This policy has been developed with regard to the Code of Practice issued by the Commission for Racial Equality and the general principles of Diversity.


Breckland Industrial Ltd will ensure that in the conduct of all their activities, steps are taken to avoid the occurrence of any discrimination (racial, sexual, disability and marital status ) whether direct or indirect.

Any unlawful discriminatory behaviour, including harassment or bullying by individuals or groups, will be regarded extremely seriously and could be regarded as grounds for disciplinary action, which may include dismissal.


There will be consultation at all stages in the implementation and review of this policy. This will include staff at all levels.


Recruitment, support and training

Recruitment, support and training procedures will be provided in such a way as to ensure that the company's commitment to diversity is fully realized.

Clients and customers

Breckland Industrial Ltd is committed to ensuring that no discriminatory practices are introduced when providing quotations and undertaking work for its clients. The company recognizes the importance and advantage of a diverse client profile.




The Directors of Breckland Industrial Ltd are responsible for insuring compliance with the general and specific policies and for overseeing their implementation.

Supervisors / team leaders are responsible for ensuring that this policy is observed during the course of their duties in relation to both customers and staff.

All members of staff have a responsibility to ensure their actions and attitudes are in compliance with the company's policy on Diversity.



The Diversity Policy will be reviewed regularly by the Directors of the company after consultation with members of staff.




The company will publish the Diversity Policy on its website, on internal notice boards and in addition will insure it will form part of the induction pack given to all new members of staff.

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